Today brands connect with consumers via several channels including website, social media, email, texting, and phone. This new functionality is a giant leap forward compared to pre-internet era when the phone, fax, and in-person communication were pretty much the only options.
How many times did you hang up the phone after hearing the phrase, “You are currently the 7th person in line. An agent will be with you in about 30 minutes.” Most people would do the same. Who wants to wait around for 30 minutes? Practically no one.
How many times did you give up on finding the information you were looking for after navigating from one website page to another and another and another and not finding it? Many of us have experienced this frustration first-hand.
The above are a few examples of human and computer interaction shortcomings in the past decade. Thankfully today, with the help of artificial intelligence, we have reached a point that more natural conversational interfaces are no longer hope in distance future. Today digital assistants interact with humans both by voice and texting. A significant aspect of this technology is the ability to complement existing processes instead of replacing them.
Digital Assistant (conversational AI) makes it possible for club operators to connect with consumers around the clock 24/7 to provide instant answers to inquires presented in plain English. This capability ushers in a new era of availability in which consumers spend much less time waiting in call queues and navigating web pages.
Digital Assistant can accelerate lead conversion by reducing or eliminating the wait time and providing the user with a more pleasant experience compared to the alternative channels.
In our next blog post, we will attempt to highlight the Accessibility of digital assistants. Stay tuned.